Implikasi Hukum Bantuan Keuangan terhadap Partai Politik di Kota Makassar dan Kota Parepare

Andika Dwi Anugrah, Anshori Ilyas, Zulkifli Aspan


The political party in Makassar that get chair in the Regional Representative obtain financial aid as much Rp. 1.855,85 and in Pare-pare as much Rp. 10.756 per vote, the financial aid is utilized to conduct the political education such as seminar, cadre training, dialogue, workshop and secretariat operational cost. The political party in Makassar has been used the budget of financial aid in accordance with the Government Regulation No. 83 of 2012 on the Financial Aid for Political Party that is to conducting political education at least 60% from the budget of financial aid to the political party. In Pare-pare, there is still a political party not yet utilize the budget of financial aid in accordance with the Government Regulation.  The legal implication that arises of financial aid to the political party is political party must improve transparency and accountability in the management and liability to the given financial aid.  And the political party is obliged to submit a responsibility reporting of financial aid to the Major after investigated by the Audit Board of the Representative of South Sulawesi province.  If the political party is not submitting the responsibility reporting will be given administrative sanction by stopping the financial aid that source from the Regional Budget until the responsibility reporting is received by the Major.


Political party, financial aid, political education

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