Criminal Law Policy Sales of Illegal Cosmetic Products Online by the Central Food and Drug Administration (BPOM) in Pekanbaru City

Ully Mandasari


The definition of cosmetics is regulated in Article 1 paragraph (1) Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1175 / MENKES / PER / VIII / 2010 concerning Cosmetics Production Permit, which is meant by cosmetics are materials or preparations intended for use on the outside of the human body (epidermis, hair, nails, lips and external genital organs) or teeth and oral mucous membranes primarily to cleanse, scent, change the appearance and / or improve body odor or protect or maintain the body in good condition. Along with the development of the era in the era of digital technology as it is now people are more easily exposed to a variety of information about cosmetics through online advertising and beauty bloggers and beauty vloggers. In addition, the pattern of trading products including cosmetic products has changed. Cosmetics products that were originally traded conventionally , then sold directly through multi-level marketing (MLM), now widely marketed online.

This study aims to analyze the legal policy on the case of selling illegal cosmetics products online by the Civil Servant Investigator (PPNS) BBPOM in Pekanbaru. This research is a type of research sociological, namely research that wants to see the correlation between law and society directly, so that it can reveal the effectiveness and implementation in the application of law in society. This research is descriptive in that the writer tries to give a complete, detailed, and clear picture of a reality about the problem under study.

The conclusion of this research is, in tackling the crime of selling pharmaceutical sedian in the form of illegal cosmetics online, where in a criminal law policy in the field of enforcement of the Center for Drug and Food Supervision in Pekanbaru is carried out with the coordination between investigators of the Republic of Indonesia National Police and employee investigators civil service (PPNS) Center for Drug and Food Control in Pekanbaru based on applicable regulations. The inhibiting factor in the legal settlement of cases of selling illegal cosmetics products online by ppns bbpom in Pekanbaru is started from legal factors, law enforcement factors, factors or facilities that support law enforcement, community factors to cultural factors. The ideal form of law enforcement for the circulation of pharmaceutical preparations (cosmetics) without a marketing authorization from BPOM RI is the start of comprehensive regulations governing the circulation of cosmetics online, enhancing the capabilities of human resources.


Criminal Law Policy, Illegal Cosmetics, Online

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