Ita Iryanti, Elfi Indrawanis


The Role of Women in Local Wisdom for Family Food Security in Pangean Subdistrict, Kuantan Singingi Regency, the position and obligations of being a housewife, such as: serving husbands, cooking, cleaning, caring for, educating and managing their household economy, and helping to meet their family needs. The solution to meet their household needs, the wife of the farmer decided to work because their household income could not meet their daily needs coupled with the condition of expensive food prices. Village community household expenditures can be grouped into two, namely household expenses for foodstuffs. and non-food materials. The level of household food security is measured by the proportion of food expenditure (food) to total expenditure. When using economic indicators, the criteria are if the share or percentage of total food expenditure is low (≤ 60% of total expenditure), then the household group is classified as food-resistant households, the increase in women's participation in economic activities occurs because first, there is a change in people's views and attitudes about being equally important education for women and men, and a growing awareness of the need for women to participate in development. Second, the willingness of women to be independent in the economic sector, which means trying to make ends meet and other dependents, women have a dual role, namely as housewives and are responsible for productive activities that help husbands earn a living to meet family needs, women plan and process needs. his family. The size of the budget in processing planning is done to meet family needed.


Women, Food Security, Economy, Household

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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 tentang Pangan



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