Application of Customary Sanctions in the Settlement of Criminal Cases in the Malay Community of Indragiri Hilir, Riau

Ferawati Ferawati, Hengki Firmanda, Elmayanti Elmayanti


Settlement of cases through formal justice and using positive law has a weakness because the orientation in punishment is more focused on the perpetrator (Offender oriented) so that the suffering or loss of the victim is ignored, in addition to the procedure for resolving criminal acts through criminal law, it is not possible for victims to participate actively determine how the conflict will be resolved. even the attitudes and actions of law enforcement officers often cause other suffering for victims (secondary victimization). To overcome these problems, the idea arose to reimpose the settlement of criminal cases using customary law, in line with this idea, this study aims to explore the valuesof local wisdom (customary law) with Indragiri Hilir which are still used to resolve criminal cases that occur in the community, the type of research carried out is normative-empirical legal research (applied law research). but more importantly useful and beneficial for the recovery of suffering or loss of victims.


Customary Law; Malay; Ciminal Cases

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