Muhammad Zulhidayat, Separen Separen


Sports problems are currently very much in Indonesia, the dynamics of sports in Indonesia have indeed developed rapidly until now it has shifted to the direction of the industry involving various stakeholders. This development certainly has positive things, but on the one hand, it has problems that are also increasingly complex. In the latest case, Persipura Jaya filed a lawsuit with the Central Jakarta District Court to sue Barito Putera. Persib Bandung because Persipura considers that there is match-fixing. If you look at the lawsuit, Persipura Jayapura asked the District Court to cancel the match between Persib Bandung and Barito Putera, this ini became very interesting because the sports team was taken to the District Court.   This article will analyze the position and function of the District Court according to the ius constitutum and the extent of the authority of the District Court to examine and decide sports dispute cases in Indonesia. This article will use normative juridical research methods. The research results conclude that the position and function of the District Court are to examine, adjudicate and decide Criminal and Civil cases in the first instance. The District Court has no authority to resolve disputes in sports. This is because there is no rule on this. The suggestion in this sense is that Indonesia must have a judicial institution that specializes in handling sports cases, such as CAS in Switzerland, so there needs to be a revision of laws and regulations if Indonesia wants to create a special court regarding sports.

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