Sudjito Sudjito, Shindy Nadya Sampelan, Tatit Hariyanti


This study aims to find out the efforts to provide legal certainty for land ownership after the earthquake in Palu. The research method is normative empirical, using a legal approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. Data collection is done through interviews and secondary data. The collected data were analyzed qualitatively through reasoning and legal arguments. The results of the analysis are interpreted based on the theory of legal certainty and the theory of land registration. The results of the study show that there have been concrete efforts from the South Sulawesi BPN Regional Office to provide legal certainty for the earthquake-affected lands in Palu. Land with the status of completely destroyed or partially destroyed, no certificate of land ownership is issued. In the Red Zone or Disaster Prone Zone, it is prohibited to be inhabited, either permanently or temporarily. Another work that must be carried out immediately is the registration of partially destroyed lands.


legal certainty, land ownership, earthquake

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