Sukatmini Sukatmini, Erdianto Effendi, Mukhlis R


The criminal law policy based on Article 4 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes regulates the return of state financial losses does not eliminate criminals, but the implementation of the provisions of Article 4 has not been implemented as appropriate. In practice there are irregularities in which the return of relatively small amounts of state losses can be stopped from investigation and eliminate the criminals of corruption. Moreover, the return of state financial losses was not a consideration for the Judge to commute the sentence to be imposed on the defendant. Therefore, in this study, it is necessary to study to evaluate the Legal Policy on punishment of perpetrators of corruption crimes who have returned state financial losses based on the provisions of Article 4 of Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes and analyze the Renewal of the Law on the punishment of perpetrators of corruption crimes that have returned state financial losses from a justice perspective. The purpose of this study is to find out the appropriate Criminal Law Policy against perpetrators of corruption crimes that return state financial losses from the perspective of justice for the future. This type of research method is legal research with a normative juridical approach that focuses on synchronizing laws, principles and legal doctrines. The data studied are library materials or secondary data, and tertiary legal materials, then discussed and presented descriptively. Forms of criminal law reform that can be applied to perpetrators of corruption crimes that have returned state financial losses in the future from the perspective of justice include: Renewal of the formulation of criminal threats that are cumulative imperative changed to cumulative and renewal of the regulation of the main types of crimes in the form of social work crimes that can be an alternative to imprisonment and an alternative to fines and formulation of the plea concept  bargaining as a procedural law for corruption and the formulation of the concept of restorative justice in the criminal act of corruption in the form of culpa or negligence.


Legal Policy, Punishment, Corruption, Justice Perspective

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