Position of the Border Area in Kunto Darussalam Subdistrict Rokan Hulu Regency Post the Supreme Court Decision Number 395K / TUN / 2011

Dessy Artina


The Riau Provincial Government facilitated the Kampar Regency Government and the Rokan Hulu Regency Government with the results of an agreement between Kampar Regency and Rokan Hulu Regency which submitted the resolution of the disputes of the five Villages to the Provincial Government and based on the official report of the agreement on the resolution meeting of the five villages overlapping case between Kampar Regency and Rokan Hulu in The contents of the official report stipulated that the two Regencies governments agreed to submit the dispute resolution of the five villages to the Riau Provincial Government by observing the principles of justice and balance. The formulation of the problem in this study is the Position of the Border Area in Kunto Darussalam Subdistrict of Rokan Hulu Regency Post the Supreme Court Decision No. 395K / TUN / 2011, This study is a type of sociological or empirical legal study or field legal study. The data used in this study are sourced from primary legal material in the form of interviews with respondents in the field regarding matters relating to the problem under study, secondary legal material that is obtained from the Literatures Act or is data obtained through library research and the results of various references and documents. The results of the study are the position of the border region of Kampar Regency or Rokan Hulu Regency Post the Decision of the Supreme Court Number 395K / TUN / 2011. So this has led to the implementation of Government and also has implications for the political rights of the community. The related parties should really pay attention to this issue, prioritize the principle of prudence in making decisions and prioritize the interests of the community also, so that there is no prolonged conflict anymore.


Position of the Border Area, Kunto Darussalam Subdistrict, Rokan Hulu Regency

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30652/ml.v4i1.7763


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