The Customary Government System in Koto Tuo Baserah Kuantan Singingi

setia putra


The objectives in this study are; to find out the customary government system and  the role of customary devices in Koto Tuo Baserah Kuantan Singingi. This method of research is sociological. The leader in Koto Tuo is called Datuk Bisai or Datuk Penghulu with the title Datuk Godang. Meanwhile, the top tribal leaders in the village of Kuansing are called mamak soko. The are four tribes in Kuantan Singingi. They are Tigo Kampung entitled Jolak Samano, Limo Kampung titled Datuk Bandaro, Cermin titled Godang, and Melayu titled Datuk Paduko. In Koto Tuo regency is guided by 4 traditional stakeholders, namely: Penghulu (mamak soko / chieftain), Monti, Dubalang, and Malin, an Islamic religious figure. Then 3 Traditional Leaders in one tribe have representatives, each tribe is divided into 3 Jurai (Departments). The role of Datuk Penghulu and other traditional stakeholders in Koto Tuo is still partly ongoing. However, there are shifts in the role of traditional stakeholders in village government. They are: the role of traditional stakeholders in terms of marriage, divorce, privately owned land, livestock, fields, civil cases and criminal cases. And the role of traditional stakeholders in village government that has not shifted is in terms of customary land and heritage treasures. The Factors causing the shift in the role of indigenous stakeholders in village government are : globalization, contact with other cultures, modernization, community dissatisfaction with certain areas, an increasingly educated, heterogeneous and growing population.


Government Systems Indigenous Stakeholders

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